Sunday, August 26, 2012

Intro To Animals Creatures - Wk 9 Block Plus Rev

Revised Block Plus of my Ogre Attack Behavior.  Mentor Crit notes are:
1. I lost some of the weight, get it back, poses need to be checked against block and thumbnails.
2. We want it to feel nice and fast AND HEAVY.
3. Add a little more time to make it feel heavy - the anticipation at beginning needs a few frames as well as the anticipation from the start of his roar, when he's down on all fours.
4. Spacing on the hips needs to be like a bouncing ball, so spacing close at beginning then tight at top then large spacing down to the hit at ground, with some close spacing for a recovery.
5. The start f11, we want him tighter - building up more anticipation, so curl his spine in and rotate body and hip con accordingly.  Also, f12 keep his body low up until he plants that foot then explode up.
6. Get more of a 'slam' into f23, so those hips down with the rest of the body, Bouncing ball, add more frames to recovery to get feel of nice weight to get to f27 pose.
7. Lead with the head with every action - makes it feel more imposing and fierce.  So f34 sequence we want to lead with head.
8. Coming down at f70, bigger spacing, lose the ease in on the right arm, add the weight with arms.  Reverberation with the chest as well.
9. F74, again we want to lead this motion with the head.  Leading with the head will make it feel more aggressive.
10. F82, with right hind leg, good idea just reduce the amount of movement, it's distracting from where we want the audience to look - at the arm sweep.
11. F96, we want to really feel the weight of both arms come down.  The left front arm is easing in too much.  So hands come down make contact, then we see the arms push the chest up.
12. The arm wipe, f115ish, feels like a human gesture.  Make it more creature.  Get head posed so that we dont mistake he's looking into camera, he should be looking more screen right.  Also, add more into the wipe, get some head and body movement into it.  Dirty it up a bit. 
13. f145ish, on the final hand/arm plant (left arm).  plant it with purpose, no ease in open up the spacing, BUT also get the ogre to move/shift weight over this arm so that he's coming forward over both arms - showing more aggression/intimidation.

I really dig these detailed crit's.  It's always an eye opener that I stop "seeing" everything that's gone wrong.  Proof again that getting critiqued really is a very important step in animation.  Especially when the crit is coming from someone who knows more then you.  So on to the revisions!!!

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