Friday, December 16, 2011

Intro To Acting Class 4 COMPLETED!

Whew, just finished this week with my 4th class at Animation Mentor, Intro To Acting. My mentor for my Intro To Acting was Mike Stern. First off, let me say that if you are fortunate enough to enroll in Animation Mentor and dedicate the time needed to begin to become a great animator then you are lucky and extremely hardworking. So far my time at AM has been a really rewarding experience. There are up's and down's, times when you feel you're not learning and then times when you rocket up. When you think you have it, then your legs are swept out from you because your classmate just did some really great work. Classmates work is both inspiring and motivating. But realizing that we are all on separate unique paths is key. With each class I am learning that there is so much more to animation then just controls. We are at the base, storytellers. And we hopefully are able to use a myriad of tools to convey our story to an audience in a symphony of layers that emotes a desired reaction from the viewer. Clearly and Personally we do this, stepping lightly or tromping through all the while respecting this art form and giving respect to those who have laid the ground before us. Thank you. And with that thanks I would like to say thank you to my mentor Mike Stern. Being Mike Stern's student I have had the great pleasure of gaining a unique insight of what a great animator is. His devotion and respect for the art was evident in all classes. But never was there a doubt that he wasn't having a blast while doing it. It's cool when you can relate to this, I do know animation is difficult, tedious, technical - definitely not at his level, but i do know but whats more important I know that I love to animate and that at the end of the day I'm still having fun. So thanks Mike for opening my eyes to cool and wonderful tools - from workflow to resources it's been a really great ride this term for my intro to acting. And for keeping my love for animation burning. So onward and upward, yeh yeh there will be plateaus and maybe a valley or two but in the end I will have climbed.

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