Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dark Souls 2 Trailer - Great work!!!

Really great trailer.  I really like the subtle animation leads to some powerful moments.  Great work all around.  And a kick-arse DRAGON!

How much work will you do if you go through the Animation Mentor Program?

HOLY COW?!!!! Yes, I managed to pack 152 GIGs of assignments, 3D files, sketches, notes, etc... into my 2 year awesome learning experience of AM's Character and Creature program.  It has been one of the most enjoyable rides of my life.  And better still it's just beginning.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

AC2 - Refine Pass 2 Double Creature Shot

And here is my refine pass 2.  Getting closer. Still have to go in and do a lot of polishing.  Also, not sure if I like the way the second ogre comes into screen, so I might redo that entire animation, we will see.

AC2 - Refine Pass 1 Double Creature Shot

Here is my Refine Pass 1.  I have some crit notes to add (from my rough block and spline pass) but will do that in a day or so - I'm too tired to add them now.

AC2 - Rough Block Double Creature Shot

Here is my first rough block pass.  A lot has changed since this first pass but everything was built of this foundation.

AC2 Backplate - Shot this for my project with my 7D

I took a day and drove to Arches National Park to shoot an interesting backplate for my current project.  Shot it with my 7D used my JAG shoulder rig.  Really amazing and inspiring place to shoot.  I then tracked the shot in Syntheyes and exported the track to maya- You can see how good a track it is by the watching the ogre rig being placed in the shot midway through the above QT.

AC2 - Planning My Two Creature Shot Pg 3

Planning pg 3.  Also some notes that I added just to keep them in my mind as I begin.

AC2 - Planning My Two Creature Shot Pg 2

This is pretty much the section I will be doing.  It takes approx the amount of time that I have been given - 7 seconds.

AC2 - Planning My Two Creature Shot Pg 1

So here is the first of 3 pages of planning.  I realized that I only have a limited amount of time so I only went with the section in which first ogre swings the dead cat and strikes the ogre running in to camera(upper screen right).